Yes, central air conditioning can be retrofitted into existing homes in conjunction with most forced…
How often does our central air conditioning system require a service or maintenance checkup?
As with the furnace, I recommend every 1-2 years. We typically offer clean-and-check specials for…
What does SEER mean?
SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio and is the way the efficiency of air…
Our air conditioner is 15 years old and our cooling bills seem to be higher every year. Might we be ready for a newer unit?
While an older unit may still be cooling your home, its efficiency is probably not…
Does the part of the air conditioning system that sits behind the house with the fan on top need any type of regular cleaning in the spring?
You will want to make sure the fan area is free of any debris, such…
Our central air conditioner does not seem to be cooling our house as good as it used to. What might be causing this?
There are a number of things that could be causing this, from low refrigerant to…